ISOPur Fluid Technologies, Inc.

Other Applications

ISOPur®’s Balanced Charge Agglomeration® has applications anywhere lubricating and hydraulic oil is used in high-performance mission critical applications. ISOPur has many applications in the following industries:


Refineries and petrochemical plants are at the mercy of high-pressure, high-performance turbo-machinery that cannot go down. There can be thousands of pumps, motors, and control valves in a single plant. When downtime occurs, there are significant economic costs, environmental consequences, and health and safety risks.



Hydraulic and lubricating oils are the life blood of the mining industry. Large earth moving equipment, conveyors, engines, drive trains, and gear boxes grind away to extract precious minerals. Breakdown of mission-critical machinery due to contamination is common and the problems are not easily fixed. Equipment is often remotely located. Moreover, contaminated fluid must be safely replaced and disposed of, which poses a logistical headache for mining operators.

EHC Systems

EHC systems often use fire-resistant phosphate ester, a synthetic oil. These systems are plagued with particulate contamination and acid problems that occur when the phosphate esters break down in the presence of water and form phosphoric acid. Phosphate ester disposal and replacement is extremely expensive.

Steel and Metals

Metal and steel production leaves the plant atmosphere full of extremely small ferrous contaminants. These particles easily find their way into lubricating and hydraulic systems, thereby causing wear and adhesion problems. High temperatures expedite the process of coking and varnish formation.

Food Processing

Similar to metals and other process industries, the plant environment in Food Processing can be extremely particle rich, full of tiny, non-ferrous particles. These particles easily find their way into lubricating and hydraulic systems and cause wear and adhesion problems.

Since ISOPur Balance Charge Agglomeration is effective on any non-conducting fluids, ISOPur is currently conducting trials in areas outside of traditional hydraulic and lubricating oil applications.